Lila Poonawalla Foundation provides EnglishBolo™ to studious and financially deserving girls. Learning with EnglishBolo™ will prepare these girls for the bright future ahead of them.
Lila Poonawalla Foundation is an educational trust. It was founded by Lila Poonawalla, an engineer, industrialist and philanthropist who won the Padma Shri award in 1989. She started the Lila Poonawalla Foundation in 1996 by supporting 20 girls with scholarships. Today, the foundation has supported 23,126 women in Pune, Amaravati and Wardha district of Maharashtra. This organisation aims to provide the resources necessary to realise the aspirations of hard-working girls.
In the past 25 years, the organisation has expanded from financial support to education and training programs. Since March 16th 2020, the Lila Poonawalla Foundation provides EnglishBolo™ to its beneficiaries.
Lila Poonawalla Foundation and EnglishBolo™
The partnership between EnglishBolo™ and Lila Poonawalla Foundation is two-fold: The organisation provides EnglishBolo™ to the girls that they support. The spoken English online course will help them improve their English, a language that is required for many career opportunities. The organisation also provides EnglishBolo™ to some of its staff members for employee development.
In the last month, 50 scholarship students and staff members have been onboarded onto the program. Most of these students study engineering and radiology. The majority of users have been highly engaged in the program. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the Lila Poonawalla Foundation.
The EnglishBolo™ 100-day program provides a learning model that provides structured and consistent learning and practise with the convenience of flexibility for accessing lessons and teachers for each user.
The program structure:
1. An assessment test that will place the user into a program most suited to their level.
2. 100 short ‘learn yourself’ lessons. One lesson every day is the intended way to use the program. Each lesson ends with a short quiz for some additional practice.
3. After 8 lessons, a user can sign up for an online teacher class. Teacher classes are an important supplement for spoken English practice. These classes help users develop confidence.
4. Each user gets to choose the day and time of the class. A user needs a good internet connection and a pair of headphones to successfully take the class. Each user gets 10 online classes for the duration of the program.
5. At the end of the program, each user takes a test and receives a certificate.
Learn English with EnglishBolo™
EnglishBolo™ is a joint initiative of EnglishHelper and Schoolnet.
It is an AI-powered English learning app designed to help learners improve their spoken English. The 100-day program blends 100 self-learning lessons and 10 live online teacher classes. The program is currently being used by vocation trainees, college students, young job seekers, working professionals and others.
Download the EnglishBolo™ app and learn anytime, anywhere!
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For information about our RightToRead program (operating in schools across India and internationally), please connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.
Þhis is very important learning . We may even reach school teaching STAFF how to teach English